Siouxland District Health Dept, IA
Home MenuSafe Routes to Schools
Safe Routes to School (SRTS) programs are sustained efforts by parents, schools, community leaders, public health, and metropolitan planning organizations to improve the health and well-being of children by enabling and encouraging them to walk and bicycle to school.
Successful SRTS programs include policy development, planning, and implementation of the 6 E’s
- Engineering
- Education
- Encouragement
- Enforcement
- Evaluation
- Equity
The 6 E’s would include things like:
- Walkability and bikeability audits on safe routes
- Strategies to improve sidewalk conditions on identified safe routes
- Traffic calming devices to slow traffic and give pedestrians priority
- Educating children on walking and bicycling safety
- Challenging students to walk and bike to school
- Implementation of a walking school bus
- Providing opportunities for all students to participate
- Parent walking and biking surveys
- Safety patrol and crossing guard programs
- Student arrival and departure counts
- Bike rodeos
- Walk and bike to school days
Siouxland District Health Department and SIMPCO provide technical assistance to schools in Woodbury County who are interested in starting a SRTS program. Contact Angela Drent for more information.